Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Vegetarian Diet - Lower the Chance of Heart Disease and Create a Healthy Digestive System

The well known saying 'we become what we eat' is generally true, as it has been established over and over again, that healthy people consume healthy foods. When we make the correction from eating meat to a vegetarian diet, our cholesterol levels drop, our body fat reading decreases, we are less likely to contract many types of cancers, the chances of having diabetes reduces, our blood pressure falls into a normal range and generally, our overall health and fitness improves. Moving towards a meat-free way of life has been shown statistically to decrease the occurrence of so many of the diseases of industrialized countries.

A great benefit of this lifestyle is the plentiful supply of fiber, vitamins and antioxidants found in fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts that assist in the prevention of certain cancers and also create a healthy digestive system. The majority of these people who are genuine about changing the way they eat have also eliminated poultry from their daily diet. They feel repulsive about the way chickens are contained in such crammed and inhumane conditions and filled with growth promoting substances and antibiotics making them taste nothing like chicken should taste with reduced nutritional value.

vegetarian dietThe best result is to eliminate red meat from your eating habits altogether. At least you are stopping and controlling the worst villain of all when it comes to diseases of the digestive tract and a number of other body functions. Apart from reducing your cholesterol or blood pressure, you may reduce your risk of diseases including colon, breast, ovarian and prostate cancer. All of these cancers have been connected in studies to western style meat-based eating habits. Vegetarians don't eat animal fat known to link to these cancers.

Deciding to make healthy food choices that are known to be good for your heart can really lower the chances of heart disease. Thousands of American people die each year from obesity related illnesses the most common being diabetes and heart disease. Finding out the advantages of vegetarian style eating can change your prospects for the better, of a prolonged and vigorous life. Not taking action about your well being is like waiting for a miracle 'health fairy' to fly down from the heavens and wave her magic powers to make you feel better.

Immediately after the decision has taken place to shift to a more healthy way of living, you will have the opportunity to appreciate a variety of wonderful, nourishing and hardy meals that all of the family will acknowledge and appreciate. With some creativity on your part, you will be surprised the amount of variety you are able to create with your vegetarian meals. By learning about the number of meat-free dishes available you will quickly become the expert and will be able to pass this knowledge on to the people you care for the most.

By Bill Hansen

About Author

Bill Hansen is a writer and researcher on vegetarian food and recipes. If you want to know more about how to follow a healthy vegetarian diet please visit:-

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