Monday, October 5, 2009

Here's Why You May Want to Switch to Vegetarian Diet!

Many people generally have misunderstanding about vegetarian practice, or eating foods from the plant kingdom.

Are you one of them?

How about read on to find out why you can have a second opinion on vegetarian practices, and what this lifestyle is about.

Generally, vegetarians may be divided into four groups:

1. Vegans
2. Semi Vegetarians
3. Lacto-Ovo Vegetarians
4. Lacto Vegetarians

Generally, you don't have to follow these categories strictly. It is entirely up to you. These categories are easier for you to identify the types of food suitable for each category.

Thus, you may want to know the difference between them...

Vegans eat no animal foods at all; while Semi Vegetarians generally avoid meat but eat poultry and selected animal foods. As for Lacto-Ovo Vegetarians avoid meat, poultry and fish, but take in milk and eggs. Finally, Lacto Vegetarians consume milk products but not other animal foods.

In addition, some vegetarians also go as far as avoiding clothing made from animal products like fleece, fur, and leather.

Vegetarian Diet
In rare cases, some avoid processed foods, alcoholic beverages, and foods bred with pesticides. These are very noble practices, but you don't have follow if it is inconvenient to do so.

Historically, vegetarianism can be traced back to philosophical beliefs; especially religious traditions and teachings of Buddhism and Hinduism.

Whatever their teachings are about for doing so, it is mainly out of compassion and loving-kindness: that one cannot bear to inflict injuries and harm to a living being. Let alone eating their flesh!

But, to relate vegetarian practices purely with religions, it is not fair, as you may see shortly...

During the 19th century, the practice of eating meatless diet has passed the religious boundaries when the Vegetarian Society, a British non-religious organization, became famous in 1847. Obviously, the religion elements in vegetarian practices have been diluted.

On top of that, if you were to ask, modern vegetarians uphold meatless diet for the cause of animal welfare, while labeling the killing of animals for food as a violation of their rights. This practice has already gained worldwide acceptance. Perhaps, it is aligned with the compassionate foundation as in religions.

You may ask, "Aren't these animals breeded to feed our mouth?"

Yes, you may be right. But, how do we know, for certainty, that these animals are INDEED born into this world, and brought up with the sole purpose to feed our mouth? Who are we to determine their lives and destiny?

If you've noticed, animals which were sent to the slaughter house have tears in their eyes. Their cries are solemn and sad. This obviously shows that they have feelings, emotions, just like us, human.

Even if their destiny is in the slaughter house, many of these poor animals were not even given a decent living, in the process of their growing up. I've seen such video before, and many researches has been conducted which prove this is the case.

If they are not commercially produced, for the purpose of feeding our mouth, they probably would have chance of getting a decent living, and humane treatment, don't you think so?

Of course, I personally don't believe that you'll change into meatless diet overnight. But, I do hope that you'll be more aware of how the meat come onto your dining table, and perhaps, reducing meat intake for the sake of your health as well. As the title of this article implied: You may want to switch to vegetarian diet, starting today!

By Janice Hoo

About Author

Janice Hoo has been doing extensive research on vegetarian diet and practices. She's now sharing her discovery in her latest e-report, "The Shocking Truth And Statistics About Your Food" which she's currently giving away for FREE at her site:

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