Friday, October 30, 2009

How to Make Low Fat Vegetarian Recipes

Being a vegetarian in itself has many health benefits, but if your goal is to lose weight, then you may want to consider low fat vegetarian recipes as part of your daily cooking routine. Vegetarian food is already really healthy, but to lose weight you will need to take extra steps to make it even healthier and fat free for you. Below are some easy tips on making regular recipes, low fat vegetarian recipes.

Tip 1: If a recipe calls for butter or margarine, make sure that it is low fat butter or margarine that you use. This will greatly cut down on the total fat content of your meal.

vegetarian foodTip 2: Many delicious dessert recipes call for sugar. Instead of using regular white sugar, use a zero calorie alternative. The end result will usually taste the same, but you will be cutting the fat content significantly.

Tip 3: Do you love sandwiches or toast? Stop eating white bread. It's high in calories and it isn't going to help your digestive system or your weight loss. Instead of white bread, start using whole wheat bread, which is a much healthier alternative.

Tip 4: Do you love your salads? Although your salad is probably very healthy for you, the type of salad dressing you use could be hurting you in the long run. Switching to lighter salad dressings is going to help you cut back on fat in your salad. Limiting your use of cheese, or using light cheese instead can also help to make your salad low in fat.

It's not very hard to alter existing recipes in order to create low fat vegetarian recipes. All it takes is a few substitutions in your daily routine, and you will start losing weight. Not only will you lose weight, but your body will be healthier and have fewer toxins.

By Bill Hansen

About Author

Bill Hansen is a writer and researcher on low fat vegetarian recipes. If you want to know more about how to follow a healthy vegetarian lifestyle please visit:-

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