Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Vegetarian Diet to Help Lower Cholesterol

We all know that high cholesterol is a dangerous health condition to live with. Living with arteries that are clogged can make you feel easily tired. Whether you feel any differently or not, no doubt your doctor has explained to you the risks associated with high cholesterol. The biggest risk in having high cholesterol is the development of heart disease. If you have determined that it is time to reduce your cholesterol intake as well as the cholesterol you already have in your body, consider a vegetarian diet.

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There are a number of things that you can incorporate to help reduce your cholesterol levels. Make sure to consult with your health care provider before changing your diet. He will be the best source for advice about your own situation. While you are investigating the best remedies for your condition, consider the possibilities within a vegetarian diet to help you reduce your cholesterol.

Reducing Cholesterol Naturally

By deciding on a vegetarian diet, you will naturally experience a lower intake of cholesterol. Meats and other animal products are very high in cholesterol. By avoiding red meats especially you will be avoiding a major source of cholesterol. Even higher on the list of foods to avoid are the meats that are mixed with high amounts of saturated fats. Sausages, pepperonis and bacons are all bad for your cardiovascular health.

Eggs and cheeses are also prime culprits for carrying cholesterol into your arteries. You will still need to ensure sufficient protein intake, but taking out the high risk proteins will have you on your way to healthier cholesterol levels. While you are reducing the amounts of edible cholesterol in your vegetarian diet, you will also be eating foods that are better for other parts of your body as well.

Eating the Right Stuff

Eating the types of foods that maintain one's health will be easy to fit into a vegetarian diet. Whole grains are excellent sources of good nutrition for heart health. You can actually reduce your cholesterol levels by eating more of the right foods. Following a vegetarian diet does not mean you will be eating less food. It just means eating different foods.

Whole grains as are found in cereals, breads and crackers. Look for advertising on the packages for information about whole grain content. Food makers may only advertise that their products contain whole grain if they contain a sufficient amount for positive health benefits. Combine whole grain foods with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Raw spinach comes pre-washed and ready to eat in conveniently sized salad bags. Dressing can be as easy as fresh strawberries and a little bit of balsamic vinegar. There are many combinations that you will find that will be both delicious as well as good for you.

Speaking again of protein, there are lots of healthy options on a vegetarian diet. Look for raw nuts, dry beans and seafood to add to your menu. These are foods that are filling, nutritious and low in cholesterol.

Once again, high cholesterol can be a dangerous health problem. Depending on the severity of your own cholesterol levels, your health care provider may prescribe medication. Regardless of whether or not you are taking cholesterol medication, think about adding a vegetarian diet to your treatment process. As you get deeper into your vegetarian diet, you will begin to feel better with each passing day. You will also find that your foods are becoming more delicious as well.

By Debbie Jones

About Author

Debbie Jones writes about vegetarianism. Learn more about A Vegetarian Diet to Help Lower Cholesterol and many more important topics about the heath benefits of a Vegetarian Diet

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Yoga Diet to Keep Your Body and Soul Healthy

Basically a yoga diet is a totally vegetarian diet. The spiritual reason behind it is the fact that people who practice yoga gain some consciousness of mind which does not allow them to eat meat of living beings. They practice kindness to all animals and lay emphasis on the benefits of vegetarian diet.

Yoga diet has been able to stand the test of time and has been around for a number of years. It primarily consists of whole grains, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits. Practicing it not only takes care of your health but also helps in rejuvenating your soul and spirit. Also it helps you to lose weight and remain healthy, thus making you feel better.

The main contents of a yoga diet and the ways and means in which you can stay healthy with a yoga centered diet are discussed here.

As the yoga diet is typically a vegetarian diet without any meat or fish, the protein requirement of your body is taken care by the incorporation of beans and legumes in your diet. A good quantum of salads, sprouted beans, lentils, bean soups and dishes made from lentils and beans are instrumental in providing you the much needed protein intake. Dairy products such as milk, cheese, butter, yoghurt etc. are allowed and are helpful in providing energy to the body. Seasonal and organic vegetables are the main source of nutrition. Dishes such as curries, appetizers and entrees can be made out of such fresh vegetables.

Plenty of water intakes are recommended for a healthy mind and body. According to the prescription of a yoga diet, your body should get at least 2 liters of water everyday which may be consumed in the form of plain water or fruits and vegetable juices, nut milk, soy milk and other liquids. Mainly recommended food are those which can be digested easily such as juices, fruits, vegetables, milk, honey etc.

Foods which are difficult to digest must be avoided. The main concept of yoga is to keep your immune system in good shape and if you intake lots of heavily processed food which cannot be digested easily then the whole purpose of yoga diet will be defeated. You should avoid consuming food made with white flour or white sugar and packaged food which are added with preservatives to keep them fresh for a longer period. This type of food can be detrimental to your health.

Yoga diets also prescribe that you must eat your food slowly and chew it properly before swallowing so that it can be digested easily. Fibrous foods and green leafy vegetables are most recommended for easy digestion.

If you follow a proper yoga diet and supplement it with yoga workouts, you are sure to stay fit and lose weight at earliest. This is also sure to reduce the chances of heart attack, kidney diseases, stroke and cancer. Meat lovers are more prone to cancer and heart attacks than those who follow a balanced vegetarian diet.

A well chalked out yoga diet provides all the necessary protein and minerals to your body and the yogic exercises practiced along with pure vegetarian diet provides you with spiritual rejuvenation thus making your body, soul and spirit work in the right union and yield positive results.

By Roberto Sedycias

About Author

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil

Monday, September 28, 2009

Lose Weight with a Balanced Vegetarian Diet

When it comes to healthy weight loss, one of the secrets of success is to eat a balanced diet. Balance here means eating the right amount of nutritious food. In our fast food, take-out world, it is easy to get the quantities wrong and also miss out on the quality as well. So eat when you are hungry but don’t overdo it.

Getting back to the basics is important. Instead of snacking constantly during the day, do your best to eat three regular meals. Cook or have your food cooked using wholesome, natural ingredients and then eat with others in a relaxed manner. It is not only a question of what you eat, but how you eat that counts.

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You may be surprised to know that in France, the land of fatty cheeses and gourmet foods, people in general stay slim. The reason is apparent if you go to a local outdoor market where large quantities of fresh vegetables are sold. The French prepare balanced meals and still manage to eat together more often than their counterparts in the USA.

So, sit down with your family and friends and eat nice meals together. If you are troubled by “demon hunger” during the day, eat a few pieces of fruit rather than a donut or any other fattening food.

While there are many fad diets (low fat, low carb, etc.) that are being promoted today, it is far better if you can settle into a way of life that you can easily and happily follow for the rest of your life.

The traditional diet of yoga practitioners has been a vegetarian diet. The yoga diet consists of fruits, vegetables, grains and milk products. You can not only survive on such a diet, but you will thrive as well, and lose weight all at the same time.

Try it out. Substitute meat dishes with soy products, lentils and other legumes, and whole grains. You can get enough protein (especially if you also consume nuts and milk products) so you don’t have to worry about it.

You can also enjoy yourself in the process. Instead of an ice cream thick shake, blend together fruits, juice and yogurt and make a healthy smoothie. Losing weight does not require you to suffer; it is only a question of choosing your food well and balancing your lifestyle.

If you want to lose weight on a long term basis you have to change your diet or your pattern of exercise or both. Try out a balanced vegetarian diet and if you find it helpful, then stick with it for the rest of your life.

By Dada Vedaprajinananda

About Author

Dada Vedaprajinananda has been practicing and teaching yoga and meditation for the past 35 years. He is the webmaster of the Ananda Marga meditation society’s website, and is the author of Start Meditation, Stop Smoking and Yoga Weight Loss Secrets

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Why Yoga Diet is an Alternative Dietary Pattern

There are numerous misconception associated with yoga diet. But the truth about yoga diet can make you switch your regular diet.

Yoga diet is a balanced diet chart that helps the individual achieve spiritual and material goals. You don’t need to be a `Yogi` or `Yoga Practitioner` to implement yoga diet in your everyday life, but a desire to live a better, healthy life. Over thousands of years, yoga diet is a proven way of building strong body and mind. In fact, it’s a way to achieve spiritual balance along with reducing your calories. It has been proved that food can literally enhance your looks, your state of mind and your physical health. Since yoga diet is highly nutritious food and a spiritual diet, it can nurture your spirit and nourish your body.

Yoga Diet
The common misconception about the yoga diet is that they are tasteless, boiled foods without any spices or flavors. But, actually they are utterly delicious food that redefines your dieting pattern and your relationship with food. It is not a complex menu planning, but a simple and strategic dietary pattern for better living. It is not only about boiled vegetables and fruits, but tasty, mouth-watering dishes. Although they are vegetarian food, you can add spices to prepare aromatic Indian curry, use ginger and coconut for a delicious Thai dish, or add herbs to give a Mediterranean flavor. You can try hundreds of tasty, healthy and easy-to-prepare dishes for your yoga diet.

A complete spiritual diet:

A vegetarian yoga diet can help you attain a higher level of spirituality. They consist of fresh fruits and vegetables and some of the dairy products. It is not essential for you to be a complete vegetarian to practice Yoga. But, with continuous awareness about the body through yoga you will feel that vegetarian foods are better for your health and mind. It helps you maintain an energized and light feeling that you achieve through yoga. On the other hand, if you are going a spiritual way you will develop a feeling of love for everyone, even for the animals. Vegetarian foods help you attain spirituality by generating positive energies.

Switching to Yoga diet:

Many people feel that it is difficult to switch to vegetarian diet. But if you are determined to give a healthy twist to your life, it will be easier for you to get familiar with the tasty alternatives. You don’t have to stop eating meat and fish all at once, and turn vegetarian overnight. But you can gradually reduce these foods from your diet and ultimately choose the vegetarian food.

These days many people are changing their diet pattern and switching to yoga diet for different heath reasons. Foods like fish and meat have been found responsible for cardio-vascular diseases and some other diseases as well. So, isn’t it better to choose yoga diet before the non-vegetarian foods do much harm to your health?

Even there is a misconception that vegetarian foods lack the amount of protein that the flesh foods have. But the fact is legumes and grains contain lot of proteins. The Department of Agriculture, U.S., places fruits, vegetables and grains above the meat in the list of important and healthy food. Scientific evidences have found that yoga diet is also a kind of treatment for some diseases and offers a wealth of health benefits. Moreover, yoga diet is not just vegetarian food, but a disciplined way of living life.

If you browse across the web, you will find many tips on yoga and yoga diet. The foods are easy to prepare but good to taste. They can arouse a feeling of spirituality in you. After continuous eating of vegetarian food with yoga diet you will feel a significant change in your behavior. Now that studies have proven the scientific benefit of yoga diets, it is worth given a shot.

By Roberto Sedycias

About Author

Roberto Sedycias has a bachelor degree in Business Administration and over 20 years experience in systems analysis and computer programming. Currently working as IT consultant for

Friday, September 25, 2009

Cancer and a Vegetarian Diet

Cancer has been declining over the years in the United States. Even so, it remains the number 2 ranked cause of death, according to the Center for Disease Control. Certain diets have long been associated with cancer. Actually many links have been made in association with some cancers and a person's diet. A vegetarian diet is quite possibly in lowest risk group when it comes to cancer. Whether you are looking out for your future and you have never had cancer or you are recovering from cancer, a vegetarian diet may be a wise choice for you.

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Meat on the other hand has a possible risk for developing cancer, especially red meat. One theory as to why red meat is associated with cancer lies in the preparation of the meat. The thought is that most red meat is grilled, and grilling leaves a quasi- charcoal like substance on and in the meat. The connection is that charcoal is on the list for being a suspected carcinogen. So the meat is often grilled or broiled such that it is blackened on the outside. When you eat the blackened surface of your hamburger or steak, you are actually eating charcoal. My own personal belief has to do with the cows themselves. The other theory is that the cows are occasionally fed hormones which stimulate their tissue growth. It could be that those hormones continue to work after the cow is dead. Instead of stimulating healthy muscle growth though, they start to mutate and affect healthy cells negatively. The problem is that pigs and chickens are also given the same supplements. If this were true then chicken and pork would have the same cancer risks as red meat, which they do not. By eliminating all meat, the chances of developing cancer are statistically reduced.

Vegetarian diets contain foods that are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants work with your body's natural defenses to combat diseases, as well as to produce healthy tissue growth. Antioxidants fight cancer. Spinach and blueberries are two foods that are rich in antioxidants. Green tea is another great source.

Avoiding red meat and eating a vegetarian diet rich in antioxidants, you can improve your odds of getting cancer. Now that's some odds I can live with!

By John A. Hrivnak

About Author

It's always better to have options. Having the option to change your diet to decrease the chances of cancer is a true blessing and a choice that is easy to make. For information on all aspects of health; go to my site at

Thanks again,
John A. Hrivnak

Thursday, September 24, 2009

How to Obtain All Vital Nutrients from Your Vegetarian Diet

When you are beginning the process of converting to a vegetarian diet it is important to plan carefully. You need to make yourself familiar with the nutrient value of your food and how foods interact with one another.

A vegetarian diet can be lacking in five essential nutrients unless it is planned. These are protein, iron. calcium, zinc and vitamin B-12. In a meat based diet these are easily obtained from animal products. If dairy produce and eggs are included in a vegetarian diet these essential nutrients should not be in short supply.

If you have decided to eat a vegetarian diet, whether for reasons of health or because of ethical considerations, you need to consider where you will obtain these nutrients. It is perfectly possible for a vegetarian to derive these nutrients from vegetable sources with a little thought.

A vegetarian can obtain protein from beans, peas, lentils and other pulses. These vegetarian staples need to be mixed with grains such as rice, barley or wheat, which also contain protein, because only together do they make what is called a complete protein. A complete protein contains all the essential amino acid that are found in meat and other animal products.

Soya beans are unique among beans in containing all the essential amino acids without the addition of grains. Soya products make up an important part of a vegetarian diet for that reason. Soya milk, soya yoghurt, soya cheeses, tofu and soya meat substitutes make up an important part of a healthy vegetarian diet.

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A vegetarian diet need not be lacking in protein if it contains a variety of pulse, grains, nuts and seeds. Sprnkling a few sesame seeds on a meal will increase its protein content.

It is not even necessary to include different incomplete vegetable proteins in the same meal to create a balanced protein. The body is capable of storing amino acids and combining them later.

Many of the commercially available soya products have calcium, zinc and vitamin B-12 added in the manufacturing process. But a vegetarian should also ensure that these nutrients are present in the rest of their diet.

Soya beans are also a good source of iron as are seeds such as pumpkin seeds. Quinoa, a seed that cooks like rice and can be used as the starch component of a meal contains iron.

Zinc is vital for growth and cell division. It is essential for reproductive health, for liver function and insulin activity. It is present in dairy foods as well as beans, lentils nuts and seeds. Chick peas are a good source of zinc, as is tahini paste. A hummous dip is more than a tasty snack it is valuable source of a nutrients in a vegetarian diet.

Calcium need not be a major problem in a vegetarian diet. If a vegetarian diet includes dairy produce it will provide enough calcium. Even for vegans it is possible to obtain calcium from plant sources. Wholemeal bread is a fairly good source of calcium as are dried apricots. Baked beans and broccoli are both good sources of calcium.

Where vitamin B-12 is concerned it is only necessary to resort to supplements if eggs and milk are excluded from a vegetarian diet.

By Abhishek Agarwal

About Author

Abhishek is a full time Internet Marketer. But more than that, he is passionate about setting goals and achieving them. He is action-oriented and has a strong work ethic.

He enjoys reading, writing, socializing, meeting people, and traveling. He is also fond of good Hollywood movies.

Abhishek has got some great tips on becoming a Vegetarian Download his FREE 108 Pages Ebook, "The Advantages of Being a Vegetarian!" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Vegetarian Diet during Pregnancy

Vegetarian Diet during Pregnancy

Pregnant vegetarians should choose high iron foods like whole grains, legumes, tofu, and green leafy vegetables daily and consume them with foods rich in vitamin C to increase the bioavailability of the iron. All pregnant women, including vegetarians, should be checked for iron-deficiency anemia and consider supplementation if they are unable to meet their needs through diet alone. Now that you are pregnant you may wonder at times if your vegetarian lifestyle will impact negatively on your unborn child. First you need to understand what a healthy, well-balanced vegetarian diet should be like and for that you need to look at those nutrients you could be missing out on. Throughout pregnancy, recommended intakes of vitamins and minerals are higher than for the non-pregnant state. With careful planning, a vegetarian diet during pregnancy can provide all the necessary nutrients you need and your baby need.

Savvy Vegetarian

Hopefully you have been following the advice on Savvy Vegetarian and are eating a great vegetarian diet! In order to meet the weight gain recommendations for pregnancy, extra dietary energy is required. Despite compensatory mechanisms such as cessation of menstruation and increased iron absorption, the iron requirement of pregnancy is quite high and the diet needs to be especially rich in iron. All pregnant women, including vegetarians, should be checked for iron-deficiency anemia and consider supplementation if they are unable to meet their needs through diet alone.

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Many women in the US, both omnivores and vegetarians, do not consume diets that meet the RDA for zinc during pregnancy. First you need to understand what a healthy, well-balanced vegetarian diet should be like and for that you need to look at those nutrients you could be missing out on. As a lacto-ovo vegetarian, my physician has recommended that I include tempeh, peanut butter, low-fat cottage cheese and eggs in my diet. He has a very realistic diet plan for vegetarians as well as vegans. Vegans and vegetarians are more diet-aware than meat eaters and generally get more nutrients as well. If you are a vegetarian you may be wondering if it is okay to keep eating a vegetarian diet during your pregnancy.

Folic Acid: Vegetarians have an advantage over non-vegetarians since a vegetarian diet is usually very high in folic acid. These same people will often express strong doubt about the nutritional adequacy of your vegetarian diet now that you are pregnant. You can get all the nutrients you need from a high quality vegetarian diet.

Becoming vegetarian is a major change, and your body is going through enough changes without the additional stress of changing your diet. Hopefully you have been following the advice on Savvy Vegetarian and are eating a great vegetarian diet! A good vegetarian diet has a wide variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes i e beans, lentils, and nuts and some eggs and dairy or their equivalent.

You should be aware however, that yeast infections are more common during pregnancy and many women suffering from chronic yeast infections choose a diet that limits their intake of yeast.

Being a pregnant vegetarian is completely healthy, as long as the woman maintains a balanced diet supplemented with prenatal vitamins.


All pregnant women, including vegetarians, should be checked for iron-deficiency anemia and consider supplementation if they are unable to meet their needs through diet alone. Historically, women have been advised to substantially increase their calcium intake during pregnancy in order to meet the fetus's needs without compromising their own bone density. Vegetarians who consume dairy products get calcium from milk and cheese. It is perfectly safe to eat a vegetarian or even a vegan diet when you are pregnant. Many vegetarians already consume a well balanced and planned out diet so planning for pregnancy may not take much work.

By Ann Susan

About Author

Ann is a veteran freelancer and full time copywriter for,
Ann offers product review and business coaching to new, aspiring Affiliate and internet marketers who want to accelerate their success.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Vegetarian Diet Weight Loss

Do you have a weight problem? Are you dealing with obesity and the gamut of issues related with being overweight like a greater risk of colon problems and heart disease? Sadly, the latest statistics show that in America, 60% people are either overweight or obese.

All over the world, cardiovascular surgeons and dieticians have been recommending a high fiber diet for successful weight loss. Research has shown the key role played by a balanced diet in prevention of chronic illnesses and longevity. A balanced diet should be low in animal products and fat, and high in vegetables, fruits and any other high fiber foods.

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A balanced diet, by its very definition tends towards 'vegetarianism.' Such a diet can help regulate digestion, maintain healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels. However vegetarianism is not a short-term diet - it's a lifestyle choice. Research shows a statistical correlation between long term vegetarianism and more physical activity and less smoking and drinking related toxicity. Vegetarians also show lower death rates from chronic disease.

There are various types of vegetarians:

Vegans or strict vegetarians - They do not eat or use any animal products. Fur and leather is avoided along with edible products of animal origin like honey. Their staple diet is rich in vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains, seeds and plant based fats.

Raw vegans - They are vegans whose diet consists of largely raw vegan foods. This includes foods like sprouted grains, fermented foods, and untreated plant fats. In recent years, this diet has become popular because it is provides a simple and tasty way to weight loss. Raw vegan foods also have high fiber content so people don't feel hungry on this diet.

Lacto-ovo vegetarians - They include dairy products (lacto) and eggs (ovo) in their diet along with fruits and vegetables. This diet provides a great way to transition from a non-vegetarian diet to a vegetarian diet because its not as strict as vegans.

Pesco- and Pollo-Vegetarians - Pesco-vegetarians include fish in their diet whereas pollo-vegetarians include chicken. Thus, these cannot be strictly included in vegetarianism. However, they are strong advocates of healthy and organic food choices for detoxification and health reasons.

A vegetarian diet, regardless of its form, gives a weight loss benefit mainly due to its calorie density. This means that a fiber rich diet fills you up quicker, and helps curb your appetite. That is a natural way to eat less and shed excess weight.

However, even vegetarians need to watch their overall calorie intake to remain healthy. A vegetarian brownie or lasagna can add to the waistline as easily as burgers and fries. If you go vegetarian, you must have a variety of plant based foods and high fiber whole grains and avoid fatty foods to maximize benefits.

If you are concerned with good health and a long life, you must consider vegetarianism or at least increase your intake or raw foods and fiber. Along with weight loss benefits, a vegetarian diet can increase our energy levels and reduce risk of chronic diseases. Isn't that worth considering?

By Brandon H. Masters

About Author

Brandon H. Masters is a Health Enthusiast, Researcher and Veteran of the Natural Products Industry. He is passionate about educating others on the benefits of wellness solutions through better nutrition and detoxification. He writes and researches actively on weight loss information and healthy weight loss and shares his knowledge on Health and Fitness at